Laziest Cat Known across two worlds.Zephita Sortis | Primal / Hyperion | GMT -7

carrd template by cassiaslair.


  NAME.   Zephita Sortis
  ALIASES / NICKNAMES.   Zephi, TolCatte
  DOB | AGE.   Nov 20th | 41
  GUARDING DEITY.   Halone, the Fury
  HEIGHT | WEIGHT.   8'8 | 130kg
  GENDER | SEXUALITY.   Female | Bisexual
  JOB | OCCUPATION.   Dark Knight / Reaper | Teacher, Part-time Merchant
  PLACE OF ORIGIN | HOME | AFFILIATION.   Selbina, Vana'diel | Shirogane | Scions, Scars & Sweets cafe
  FAMILY.   Zephira Sortis, twin sister
  EYE COLOR | HAIR COLOR | SKIN TONE.   Purple and Teal | Raven black with hints of blue highlights | Medium
  NOTABLE FEATURES.   Riddled with scars, of various size and age, from head to tow. Always seen with a red bow on her tail and a sliver of aethertye about her neck

  PERSONALITY.   Lazy to a fault, provided there isn't any immediate peril to her or hers. Can be reasonably dim-witted due to hardly paying attention unless things require a physical presence  BACKGROUND.   Born in another time or another star altogether, Zephita was born as the older twin to a Hume father and a Mithran mother in the port town of Selbina on Vana'diel. From humble beginnings, the girl was raised on stories abroad from traveling merchants and adventurers, setting her sights beyond the horizon.Coming of age, with her mother teaching her ways of survival, Zephita left home with her twin, who had a likewise lofty ideal of being a storied Royal Knight at the nearby kingdom of San d'Oria. Upon learning however, that the Knights did not employ new recruits, and non-Elvaan besides, both twins became adventurers. Soon, that became Warriors of the Crystal, and then hero.After a long foray transcending time itself, the Goddess Al'tana bade the twins one final request: to aid the call from a distant star. There was no hesitation from the older sister, the headstrong woman not at all worried about whatever task she was sending them to do. Her twin had more reservations, and instead insisted on returning to their Vana'diel out of worry for their parents in their long absence. Parting ways for the first time in over two decades, Zephita was transported to the foreign star of Hydaelyn.Surely, after saving her own star in half a dozen ways, this one would just more of the same, correct?